14 April - Robin farts, Jonny can't be heard & Robin nearly dies.

The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

Thursday, 14 April 2022 - 49 minutes

Jonny's microphone doesn't work...
the best opening word in Wordle...
Sarah Jessica Parker's nose...
the top qualities of a real man...
Jonny goes too far while joking about Robin's bald patch...
stop trying to be perfect...
Jonny was invited to a dog's birthday party...
Jonny does a shout-out for ABA school...
the Eiffel Tower is now taller...
listening to this music artist is good for surgeons…
the top Google searches during the first 2 months of the pandemic...
what a guy found down the back of his sofa...
audio of an eco-activist gluing himself to a microphone...
bad news if you've never had Covid...
a woman's dating tests for men...
who sleeps better, the wife or husband?...
what happened to the girl that Jonny was too scared to ask out...
why was a dead embalmed body on display in a night club?...
Calm Larry has advice for Ramadan...
Robin tells a very inappropriate joke...
a teenage Gorilla is spending too much time looking at screens...
Jonny's bad experience with bees...
Jim Carrey is retiring from acting...
Jonny nearly kills Robin with his Rachel Chew joke...
what constitutes a spoiler to a TV show or movie?...
Robin once woke himself with his own fart...
the guys have a super serious chat about cyber security...
should you be walking your dog?

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