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The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

14 Dec - Jonny Two Trees, Robin's wife + Meh!

46 minutes | Thursday, 14 December 2023

Robin secretly recorded his wife…
Robin tests his wife…
the most complained about tourist queues…
Jonny has two Christmas trees…
Jonny did touristy stuff with his friends…
Jonny mucked up his words and called a wedding a funeral…
Robin was sociable at the Hi FM owner’s house…
how much of what you see on social media is real?…
Robin interviewed Taylor Swift…
Jonny has alarming Global Warming news…
why you shouldn't feel bad about saying no to an invite…
do these easy things to live longer…
what Google’s former CEO said about AI…
‘Meh’ explained…
a massive inflatable Santa appeared from nowhere…
why you're getting dumped this week…
Robin says you need to be more like Jonny…
Jonny's car broke down…
who won the Nobel prize for physics…
Jonny's relationship advice…
you've been misquoting these famous movie lines wrong your entire life…
what is number one by a long way on Wikipedia?…
the worst Christmas cracker jokes this year…
what NASA are spending 1 billion dollars on destroying…
why we should be spending more time on the floor…

14 Dec - Jonny Two Trees, Robin's wife + Meh!
The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

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