11 Jan - Jonny's equipment fails, how Robin proposed + Uranus.

The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

Wednesday, 11 January 2023 - 51 minutes

Jonny's equipment falls apart...
what if Jose Mourinho was in James Bond...
Robin and Jonny admit to stealing...
the PB that Jonny wants to set this year...
Robin stumbled across the cure for the flu...
predictions about 2023 which were made 100 years ago...
Robin's factual planetary news...
Jonny shakes his wallet at Robin...
the top lies men and women tell...
Twitter is being sued...
did Jonny eat chicken that had bugs on it?...
Leonardo DiCaprio is our constant...
the musical hack for eating healthier...
Jonny proves he is cultured...sort of...
the world's richest pet...
the kids need the guy's help...
Jonny has a pathetic punchline, big surprise eh...
the man who forgot about his wife...
are fads from 2013 still cool 10 years later?...
what they're calling the “hell planet”...
the weird pizza topping Robin was told to try...
how Robin proposed to his wife...
Britney walked into a pole...
42% of people sleep with what?...
the top lies on resumes...
David Attenborough says when he will retire...
would an AI lawyer be successful?...
Jonny proves he is psychic...

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