16 June - Jonny turns the light off, Robin doesn't have an accident + listening is good for your brain.

The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

Thursday, 16 June 2022 - 41 minutes

it's official listening to this station is good for your brain...
married people are less likely to die…
do you remember Meccano - the guys do - yeah they're old…
Jonny needs to turn the lights off for this bit…
Robin knows why the universe is shrinking…
is Jonny going to get his friend a wedding gift?…
how rich does Jonny want to be?...
how to make someone fall in love with you…
is the guy who's eaten a big mac a day for 50 years fat?...
Robin has some old British phrases that are becoming extinct...
how vegetarian birds differ from ones that eat bugs…
does a dog's breed affect their personality?…
Jonny gets his words muddled up...
do this for 1 week and you'll be happier…
is Jonny nervous about going to New York...
Airbnb host finds their place trashed…
drink this type of coffee and you'll live longer…
Pepsi's new slogan...
the new TV show helps you to die…
do you read the terms and conditions?...
what’s the maximum time you’d take to walk somewhere?...
people resolving to sort their clutter…
what kind of car you drive represents your personality…
what's the dirtiest place in an office...
this personality trait leads to brain “decline”…
do you hoard stuff?...
Gucci and Adidas are getting heat for their 500 OMR umbrella - but it's NOT the price of it…
Robin has NEVER had the kind of accident that Jonny has just had…
our stress levels are at an all time high...
the top reasons why you're not getting hired for that job

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