16th Feb - Jonny's sexist, Robin hurt his back + breakup tears.

The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

Thursday, 16 February 2023 - 1 hour 1 minute

the worst place to break up with someone...
Jonny has some lovely gifts for Robin…
the guys celebrate Tinnitus Awareness week…
Robin's eye-drops hack…
the guys play a new WhatsApp game…
Robin and Jonny are upset with Calm Larry…
Robin calls the first random person who sees his WhatsApp status update…
are you a high-maintenance man?…
Robin has something called Misophonia, and the guys chat about what it is…
why Jonny isn't hiring the big boss Eihab for a private gig…
One Bite or Two – Robin’s fun little game…
what Robin did when he saw a small child left alone in a car…
what 4 out of 5 people will do before a first date…
A.I. can now do sooo much more…
the worst things you can do as a passenger on a plane…
the embarrassing way Robin injured his back…
Robin has beef with everyone at Hala FM…
A.I. is now making coffee…
This is the most stressful time of the day…
Sony is bringing back the Walkman…
how much food do you throw out?…
the incredibly buff Jonny's weight loss tips…
a highly sexist bit from Jonny…
apparently, A.I. is as only smart as a pigeon…
why your work commute is actually good for you…
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly are over…
the truth about office relationships…

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