27 Oct - It's Robin + Juan! Yes Robin + JUANNN!!!!

The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

Thursday, 27 October 2022 - 50 minutes

Why Robin didn't enjoy being offered a discount...
Calm Larry had to keep a secret...
the Corvette turns 70...
Jonny has a bone to pick with movie trailers...
Robin changes Jonny's name for a prank...
kids don't want you read long bedtime stories anymore...
the special requests for when you die...
Jonny crowbars Hi FM’s Rachel Chew into a joke about driving...
Robin’s easy way to spread a little happiness...
office etiquette tips to improve the Hi FM office (and where you work)...
the guys forget where they are...
Jonny's dating profile tips...
where does Robin hide his chocolate?...
what happens if you've got active friends...
good or bad luck if a black cat crosses your path?...
the results of the biggest survey on coffee...
tips for sleeping from toddlers...
the Cambodian cow...
is hitting the snooze button bad for your health?...
Jonny asks Robin if he thinks he's a good parent...
Calm Larry fires up the grill...
that guest who just won't leave your house...
Jonny's health tips that go against everything you've ever known...
the police were called, but where was this 5-year-old kid was hiding??...
what age do you stop trying to be ‘trendy’?...
Jonny completely failed to read something he tried to talk about on the show...
the best thing about being married according to men...
a third of your neighbours are spying on you...
why Jonny wants all couples to get two of everything

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