29 Sept - Fart Yoga, Robin's secret love note to Jonny + Beverly Hills Cop is back.

The WORST of Robin & Jonny and the Hi FM Morning Show

Thursday, 29 September 2022 - 49 minutes

the guys have an exclusive clip from the upcoming Beverly Hills Cop movie...
little quirks that can be deal breakers in a relationship over time...
would you buy scented car windscreen wash?...
would you give up sleep if you could...
a simple trick to stop you comfort eating...
Robin gives Jonny a secret love note (awwww)...
Jonny recorded how angry he gets whilst driving...
Hi FM is getting a new member of staff, so the guys come up with some tricks they can play...
how far this guy walked...
Jonny consoled his gardener who was crying...
the minimum exercise you need for a healthy life...
the 10 disagreements parents have with their kids...
Calm Larry ate a clock...
do you use JUST emojis...
a new gadget for really loud phone talkers...
Jonny's new excuse for wanting to go home early...
the Mars Perseverance Rover is back (LOVE THIS!)...
700 new words were added to the dictionary...
Robin and Jonny do Fart Yoga...
these passengers got a free ukulele lesson...
it's time for Robin to pull his daughter out of school...
the guys chat to a listener in their new feature called 'Small Talk'...
the tallest people in the world...
is the Coronavirus over??...
these brutal thugs have been terrorizing a town...

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